Saturday, August 21, 2010

my home is my workshop

especially at home is where I practice a mindfulness I call sustenance

Although I imagine there are plenty of people out there more sustainable than I, I think all steps are important. (what if everyone was taking more steps?) In the past year my step was the switchover to a non-petroleum based laundry.  I grate ivory soap and add in washing soda and borax. It's very worked well getting clothes clean, however there's no perfume (although you can add essences I am sure). But doesn't everything that hangs out in the sun smell the best anyway?

I think the ivory mixture is also good for stretching dollars. No more big impact on my grocery bill for detergent. Detergent manufacturer's spend a great deal on marketing - which makes it tricky to disconnect. But as we do, they might switch to investing in cleaning up and restoring a healthy planet. 

I'd like the ivory mixture to be more efficient. Right now the product packaging is too small, and I am looking for a better price in bulk.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

efficiency is an opportunity

efficiency is an opportunity that is continually available, and it has an interest in our success. To an extent I have practiced this throughout my life, but I experienced it at a higher level while working on the eco New Bedford project.

For sometime now I have recognized the residual of the Victorian Age in our time. For western civilization, this was a powerful age that pushed forward through a number of mindsets. The Victorian Age produced a vast culture. Many those mindsets related to consumerism, dependence, and required excess continued and served the Modern-Technological Age as well. For example, corporations are a Victorian mindset that is firmly with us today, but to thrive many now lead the evolution to efficiency. To be sure, the meaning or use of efficiency changes over time.

efficiency embraces that resources are limited and have value, When working with efficiency I often experience doing unusual things. It is non-conformity with a purpose (doing more with less), and a very creative exercise. For the individual it can be public or private. The appearance and style of efficiency is an aesthetic of simplicity not opulence (surprising often embedded in modernism).

In this blog I want to record the process and effect of choosing efficiency as a path to greater fulfillment and freedom.